I read with some amusement Tim Hailstone’s response to my earlier letter about MP?Sarah Wollaston.

He clearly has an insight into the working of Dr Wollaston’s mind which is more than most of us can say. She stated EEA/EFTA “would be the gentlest version”. Not “in her opinion” but “would be”.

She claims to be chair of an influential committee. So influential that it cannot influence the closure of one of the last remaining cottage hospitals in her constituency, which many of her constituents want to keep? Not that influential then.

Oh yes, that old chestnut. The referendum was only marginal and Northern Ireland and Scotland voted against it. In the general election Scotland mainly voted SNP. Does that mean they should not be subject to a UK Govern­ment unless it is the SNP?

A majority under our current system means just that. Democracy does not mean only what the likes of Mr Hailstone and the self-styled liberal elite agree with.

I never anywhere said that our MP’s lack of business experience “disqualifies” her from commenting on economic matters. I merely pointed out that her business experience was zero yet she claims prescient knowledge of the effects on the economy of Brexit. Rather like taking a plumber’s view of one’s medical problems – no disrespect to plumbers.

The evidence of what has happened in Dartmouth suggests our MP’s committee is not influential. It cant make laws. It can’t stop things a majority don’t want, should I go on?

“Chickens coming home to roost”? Laughable really. Every economy is cyclical. While ours may now be slowing, for most of the time since the referendum it has been booming and far ahead of Europe – slowing by the way while we have highest employment ever, wages outstripping inflation for the first time in a long time and a very low level of unemployment.

Look at Italy and Greece and the youth unemployment in Spain and worse Juncker’s comments about Italy today.

The EU is dying. I believe in a sensible agreement with Europe going forward on trade.

I believe in immigration, every growing economy needs it but we need to target the workforce we need from wherever it is available but I do not believe we should be governed from Brussels. Perhaps Mr Hailstone should ask his wife if she “recommends” it may be better if he actually reads a letter before he responds to it.

Martin McGowan-Scanlon

Bay View Estate

Stoke Fleming