Nick Early owner of King Print, Kingsbridge has shared some top tips for catching a picture perfect sunset this summer.
Nick said: “Catching the natural beauty created during a sunset is a staple shot for both amateur and professional photographers alike – and it’s easy to see why.
“To help locals take their sunset pictures from average to brilliant, here are my recommendations.”
1. Perfect your set up
“On the big day itself, I would recommend turning up at least 30 minutes ahead of the sunset to ensure everything is ready. This could include refining your angles, taking practice photos, and ensuring that your settings are correct for the image. This will allow you to truly make the most of the sunset, instead of worrying that your lighting and exposure are wrong, or the photo isn’t to your liking.”

2. Incorporate a subject in the foreground
“One way to take your picture from average to outstanding is to incorporate a subject in the foreground, such as a tree or a person. This creates a silhouette effect, giving your image a mysterious tone, as it contrasts with the vibrant colours of the sunset framing your image.
“Although having a focal subject in the foreground can provide a clear point of interest, remember that less is more, so don’t flood your image with several subjects that will compete for your viewer’s attention. A good sunset photo should always keep the focus on the sunset itself, with any additional subjects simply there to aid its beauty.”

3. Make the most of your camera’s capabilities – even on mobile
“Smartphones have the potential to take some beautiful sunset pictures worthy of being shared. Features such as burst mode allow you to capture multiple photos in quick succession, so you have plenty to choose from.
“Another trick is making sure that the camera grid setting is turned on so you can follow the photography rule of thirds. This is where you don’t place the focal point of your image in the exact centre of the shot, but rather on one of the grid points.
“The camera grid also helps you follow the horizon level as well, to ensure your images are straight and not captured at an angle. By doing this, you’ll instantly be able to elevate the quality of your images.”
4. Cater to your intended outcome
“How you’re hoping to use your photo should also be considered when taking that golden shot. If you’re looking to publish your picture on Instagram, make sure that you’ve optimised the picture for the platform by taking the photo in square mode,1080 x 1080 or landscape. If you’re looking to post on your story, then I would recommend shooting in portrait to match the display dimensions of a mobile phone.
“When you have the perfect shot, don’t just let your photo be exclusive to your digital audiences – consider printing your image and framing it to hang in your home. If this is your intended goal, think about the size, where the framed picture will feature, and whether it will hang landscape or portrait. This will inform how you capture your image from the start. Generally, larger-sized prints work best with more subjects and details included, such as close-ups of tree branches or shadows cast from objects, as the larger size allows viewers to appreciate the smaller details.
“Our poster printing service means that you can create a large, eye-catching display on Fujifilm Satin Inkjet Paper that will be sure to start a conversation with visitors, while reminding you of your sunset experience each time you walk past it.”
5. Don’t stare
“Staring at the sun for an extended period can harm your eyes, but the damage isn’t exclusive to you, either. Without protection, lenses found in both your mobile and camera are also at risk of being harmed as the sun’s glare can magnify the intensity. Damage to camera sensors and lenses is common, so I would recommend using a protective cover as a precaution.
6. Give editing a go
“You don’t need to remove every imperfection, but there are apps and features that can help enhance your image.
“Playing with the vibrancy, exposure, shadows and contrast filters on your phone can help make the colours of your sunset pop. If you’re looking to take it up a notch, there are multiple apps that can help you remove unwanted features, such as lens flairs, from your shot. If you fancy using tools the professionals use, consider Photoshop or other software to alter your sunset images.”

7. Print your masterpiece
“Once you’ve captured your stunning sunset, don’t let it simply sit on your camera roll or memory card to be forgotten about. Consider printing your picture to showcase your photography skills and use it to decorate your home, perhaps as a canvas or large framed print, or simply to give as a gift to a loved one.
“If you’re looking to print your sunset picture on paper, I would recommend Fujifilm Satin Inkjet Paper as this will allow the vibrant reds, yellows and oranges to pop and immediately catch your eye.”
For more information about King Print, please contact the team at 01548 856757. Or pay them a visit at the top of the Town, 80 Fore Street in Kingsbridge.