A new £11m Premier Inn may be built in Dartmouth.

It would be a 105 bedroom hotel at Little Cotton Farm.

The site received outline planning consent in 2021.

The website said: ‘With a ground floor restaurant for use by visitors and residents, the location will be convenient for tourist and business visitors to the town, with ample parking.

‘A Reserved Matters application will set the details for the hotel, including design, materials, and landscaping. Other matters such as the principle of development and highways matters have already been agreed.

‘If our detailed plans are consented, the hotel will be built and owned by Whitbread – Premier Inn’s parent company.

‘This would see an investment of an estimated £11 million in the local economy during construction and create 30 jobs on opening.’ The plans have been welcomed by Dartmouth Town Councillors: Mayor Cllr David Wells said: “This will be a welcome addition to the town.

It will enhance the tourist footfall into Dartmouth and the surrounding areas and will also create job opportunities for local people.” He added “It’s good to see a national company investing within the South Hams.”

The Deputy Mayor Cllr Cathy Campos, who is also the chair of the Planning Committee said: “The Planning Committee was in favour of the planned Premier Inn for a number of reasons a) it would provide some much needed local employment, b) offer reasonably priced hotel accommodation and c) attract more visitors to the town.

We felt that a bar and/or restaurant at the top of the town would be a great addition for local residents who live in that area. We were however concerned, that Stagecoach should look to incorporate a bus stop near to this new facility to encourage people to leave their cars and travel down by public transport. Cllr Mike Rowley said “The main concern the Planning Committee had was the lack of transport into town and suggested that a courtesy bus is provided by the Premier Inn.”

Cllr Mandy Webber said “this will be good for Dartmouth, it will bring people into the town and help the shops.”

Premier Inn will be submitting their Reserved Matters Application to SHDC in the next few weeks and are inviting anyone with questions to get in touch by calling 0800 6895909, e-mailing: [email protected] or writing to ‘Freepost consultation reply’.